DX11: Metro 2033

Metro 2033 (DirectX 11)

The latest addition to our gaming benchmark suite, Metro 2033 is one of the best looking PC games in years.  By utilizing some advanced DX11 features as well as impressively high-quality shading routines this title pushes our graphics in way we have seen since the first days of Crysis.  

ASUS Radeon HD 5870 ROG Matrix and V2 Graphics Cards Reviewed - Graphics Cards 100 

ASUS Radeon HD 5870 ROG Matrix and V2 Graphics Cards Reviewed - Graphics Cards 101 

ASUS Radeon HD 5870 ROG Matrix and V2 Graphics Cards Reviewed - Graphics Cards 102 

ASUS Radeon HD 5870 ROG Matrix and V2 Graphics Cards Reviewed - Graphics Cards 103 
We ran Metro 2033 with Advance DOF disabled because it brought all of the cards but the GTX 480 to an unplayable state. 

ASUS Radeon HD 5870 ROG Matrix and V2 Graphics Cards Reviewed - Graphics Cards 104 

ASUS Radeon HD 5870 ROG Matrix and V2 Graphics Cards Reviewed - Graphics Cards 105 

ASUS Radeon HD 5870 ROG Matrix and V2 Graphics Cards Reviewed - Graphics Cards 106 

ASUS Radeon HD 5870 ROG Matrix and V2 Graphics Cards Reviewed - Graphics Cards 107 

ASUS Radeon HD 5870 ROG Matrix and V2 Graphics Cards Reviewed - Graphics Cards 108 

ASUS Radeon HD 5870 ROG Matrix and V2 Graphics Cards Reviewed - Graphics Cards 109

Yeowch.  The NVIDIA cards are still dominating in the Metro 2033 results we see here and while the ROG Matrix 2GB HD 5870 card is almost able keep up with the GTX 470 at the 2560×1600 resolution, overall the Radeon cards are still lackluster here when compared to similarly priced SKUs from NVIDIA.       

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