“Ask a devoted gamer to make a short list of the best games of all time and there’s a good chance that Ico will make an appearance. Indeed, due to its relative obscurity, Ico is often enthusiastically promoted to more casual gamers by its rabid fans, and offered up to non-gamers as a paragon of the medium.”Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- CSI: Fatal Conspiracy Full HD Screenshots @ NGOHQ
- Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom gives you a monster and a mission @ Ars Technica
- StarCraft II Performance Benchmarks: 3D Vision Tested on Nvidia DX11 Video Cards @Hi Tech Legion
- Power Gig comes with real guitar, horrid gameplay @ Ars Technica
- New Battlefield To Be Announced This Friday @ Rock, Paper, SHOTGUN
- James Bond: Blood Stone Launch Trailer @ Rock, Paper, SHOTGUN
- Fable 3 Review (Xbox 360) @ Kitguru gaming
- WWE: Smackdown VS RAW 2011 Review (X360) @ GamingHeaven
- Rock Band 3 (X360) @ GamingHeaven
- Nintendo bringing classic Mario games to the Wii for $30 @ Ars Technica
- Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage Review @ Digital Trends
A game worth picking up a Playstation for?
As the focus of PC Perspective is obviously not gaming consoles it might seem strange to see a console game on the front page, especially a game for the out of date PS2 but all it takes is a read of this article at Ars Technica to see the draw that Ico possesses. A very different type of game, lacking health bars and inventories and with a unique mechanism to control the NPC, Ico may draw some who do not normally show the slightest interest in console gaming. A plus, an updated version for the PS3 is scheduled for next summer, which will hopefully make the game as attractive up close as it already is from a distance.