Seagate and WD have started releasing HDDs with 2.5TB and 3TB capacities, which sounds great on the face of it but causes problems for many users as motherboards and OSes can have issues when drives grow that large.  Those still using XP are essentially out of luck, even with the intervention of a 3rd party PCIe RAID card, Win7 users will be up and running easily, though there is an update from Microsoft that is strongly recommended to prevent data corruption.  The real meat of the article covers the steps to convince Vista to use the full 3GB, though by the end you should be running perfectly.

“Although Seagate was the first to ship a 3 TB hard disk drive in an external drive – the Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex Desk, Western Digital would be the first to ship 2.5 and 3 TB internal hard disk drives that anyone can pop into their desktop PCs. However, Western Digital had to rely on a workaround to get the new drives to work with current motherboads, resulting in some limitations…”

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