“Intel has launched the new P67 chipset for LGA1155 socket motherboards. ASUS expands its product portfolio once again with the P8P67 WS Revolution. While targeted towards workstation use as the name implies, it offers quite a bit for the enthusiast as well.”Here are some more Motherboard articles from around the web:
- ASUS Crosshair IV Extreme: Running SLI With the Lucid Hydra Chip @ Bjorn3D
- Intel DH67BL @ Funky Kit
- Sandy Bridge, Part 1: Intel GMA HD 3000/2000 Graphics @ SPCR
- Sandy Bridge, Part 2: Intel DH67BL & Asus P8H67-M EVO H67 @ SPCR
- MSI P67A-GD65 Socket 1155 Motherboard Review @ OCIA
- ASUS P8P67 Socket 1155 Motherboard @ Pro-Clockers
- Intel DP67BG Extreme Series @ Funky Kit
- GIGABYTE GA-P67A-UD7 @ Bjorn3D
- The smallest H67 motherboard – Zotac H67-ITX WiFi @ Funky Kit
- GIGABYTE GA-P67A-UD4 @ Bjorn3D
- Intel Sandy Bridge Motherboards Roundup @ t-break
- MSI P67A Big Bang Marshal Unveiled at 2011 CES @ Benchmark Reviews
- Asus vs Gigabyte Intel H67 @ OC3D
- Gigabyte GA-P67A-UD4 @ Funky Kit
- ASUS P8P67 Pro Socket 1155 Motherboard @ Pro-Clockers
- Biostar TH67XE Intel H67 Motherboard @ PCSTATS
- BIOS Option Of The Week – SM I/O Buffers Control @ TechARP
Get used to seeing P67 reviews
You are going to see a lot of P67 chipset based board reviews over the next quarter as each motherboard maker is planning on releasing a lot of variants, some numbering several dozen when you include specialized OEM boards. Choice is not a bad thing but you are going to want to research the various choices carefully and not let yourself get overwhelmed by the model numbers. One solid choice is the ASUS P8P67 WS Revolution
which combines the P67 chipset with the NF200 bridge chip which will allow properly support for Quad CrossFireX as well as 3-way and 2-way SLI. [H]ard|OCP also points out that 4 Tesla cards would work as well, making this Gold Award winning motherboard a great basis for a workstation.