If you are Gigabyte, you promise refunds or replacements.  Obviously you will likely get the refund quicker, but as you are probably going to spend the money on a new motherboard, so you could always wait for the details of the replacement program to solidify.

The Tech Report also posted a link to the note from ASUS
, which will be similar to a regular RMA, though you have to wait for the replacement boards to be produced.  Hopefully after that there will be a rush to get the boards back to customers; bear in mind there are quite a few of them.

We at PC Perspective are also awaiting official word from MSI; which is expected to treat this problem in the same way as the other two manufacturers.

“The top two motherboard makers have released details on their plans to offer refunds and replacements for products affected by Intel’s 6-series chipset bug. Asus has published an open letter revealing that refunds and board swaps will be handled through normal warranty channels.”

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