N-Mode: Metro 2033 and Power
Metro 2033

Lucid Hydra Performance Review on the AMD Platform - General Tech 73

Lucid Hydra Performance Review on the AMD Platform - General Tech 74

Lucid Hydra Performance Review on the AMD Platform - General Tech 75

Hey, look!  Scaling!  And pretty good at that.  All of the lower end cards saw a pretty hefty increase.  The GTX 480 did not scale so well here, which is somewhat odd.  At 2560×1600, the GTX 460 768 MB just did not want to run.  Neither did the 1GB version in single card mode.  Still, this is a big win for Hydra, as compared to most of the other titles.


Lucid Hydra Performance Review on the AMD Platform - General Tech 76

Lucid Hydra Performance Review on the AMD Platform - General Tech 77

Results here are as expected.  Those GTX 480s in Hydra mode sure do like the juice.

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