Metro 2033

Metro 2033 (DirectX 11)

The latest addition to our gaming benchmark suite, Metro 2033 is one of the best looking PC games in years.  By utilizing some advanced DX11 features as well as impressively high-quality shading routines this title pushes our graphics in way we have seen since the first days of Crysis.  

MSI GeForce GTX 550 Ti 1GB Cyclone OC Review - GF116 Sees Daylight - Graphics Cards 77 

MSI GeForce GTX 550 Ti 1GB Cyclone OC Review - GF116 Sees Daylight - Graphics Cards 78 

MSI GeForce GTX 550 Ti 1GB Cyclone OC Review - GF116 Sees Daylight - Graphics Cards 79 

MSI GeForce GTX 550 Ti 1GB Cyclone OC Review - GF116 Sees Daylight - Graphics Cards 80 
We ran Metro 2033 with Advance DOF disabled because it brought all of the cards but the GTX 480 to an unplayable state. 

MSI GeForce GTX 550 Ti 1GB Cyclone OC Review - GF116 Sees Daylight - Graphics Cards 81 

MSI GeForce GTX 550 Ti 1GB Cyclone OC Review - GF116 Sees Daylight - Graphics Cards 82 

MSI GeForce GTX 550 Ti 1GB Cyclone OC Review - GF116 Sees Daylight - Graphics Cards 83 

MSI GeForce GTX 550 Ti 1GB Cyclone OC Review - GF116 Sees Daylight - Graphics Cards 84

The GTX 550 Ti is about as fast as the Radeon HD 5770 in our testing of Metro 2033 but falls behind the 768MB version of the GTX 460 at the 1680×1050 resolution.  At 1920×1200, its pretty much even across all four cards.

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