As you may or may not have noticed the front page of PC Perspective is loading a little funny today. However we’ve decided we like it and are sticking with it, hoping it will soon spread to the forums like some sort of positive virus and once it does that the front page will recognize your forum user and allow you to use it on the front page. It does have one small negative side effect, but the Hardware Leaderboard is expected to make a full recovery very soon, whereupon it will be revamped with the new picks for April. That one negative effect is somewhat mitigated by the wonderous mutation the SSD Decoder underwent, which offers new ways of viewing it like a Lightbox or pop up window. If you have any comments, you will be pleased to know that you can now comment on posts to the front page; we do request that comments about the new site design are aimed here, so that we can reference them at the same time.
The Forums are currently unchanged, both in design and in content. Users having problems with their new kit or simply looking for feedback on their new purchases are still in evidence. We even have some experimentation in virtualization going on in the Motherboard Forum and you can help with the birth of a new HTPC over in the Video Cards Forum. You can also grab our 150th PC Perspective Podcast from the obvious tab.
Enjoy the new look of our front page, but please don’t neglect our Forums as they might feel a little self conscious of their old look!
Looks great, thanks for your
Looks great, thanks for your efforts.
Thanks man, it was a LONG
Thanks man, it was a LONG time coming, and we are glad to have something to finally show everyone. 🙂
I could really do without the
I could really do without the flashing on the top 5 stories thinger.
Wow, I was like “Is this
Wow, I was like “Is this pcpers?” It looks great now.
I’m diggin’ the new look.
I’m diggin’ the new look. Great job guys!
Thanks for the compliment!!
Thanks for the compliment!!
What a surprise! It was
What a surprise! It was definitely time for a makeover. Great job Ryan!
I don’t like it, I much
I don’t like it, I much prefered the old site. Please change back.
Lol, not gonna happen there,
Lol, not gonna happen there, son. 🙂