As of just after midnight ET on Friday the 15th of April, we made the switch over to the new version of the PC Perspective website!  This is a very exciting (and daunting) time for us here on staff, so please bear with us as we fix the little hiccups that will occur during this time.  In fact, we need your help!  If you see something wrong, strange or something you just plain don’t like, please leave us a comment in the are below after you have signed up for a new account.  

We are counting on YOU to help make better for all of us!

Not only that be we are going to be giving away lots of PRIZES over the next couple of week thanks to our awesome sponsors that have stuck with us over the years.  Keep hitting up the home page for the first prizes to be revealed and how to win them…

I know you will have some questions and I will try to answer the most common ones right here.  If you have more, ask them in the comments and I will update this post accordingly!

  • The Forums haven’t changed at all!
    • Nope, not yet, but they will be altered to the same style of appearance you see here very soon along with a VB version upgrade to boot. 
  • Do I have to use a different login / account here on the main site rather than use my account from the forums?
    • You CAN use the same username / password from the forums if you want, but you DO have to create that new account here on the main PC Perspective page, however.
  • The "Latest Forums" tab on the right is empty
    • Yes, we know, thanks.  Working on that tighter integration with the forums!
  • There seems to be a lot of overlap between the "Latest Topics" and "Latest Reviews" and the flash thingy on the home page.
    • We agree and are working on ways to make it less redundant. 
  • The Hardware Leaderboard is missing some content…
    • Yes, we are working on setting that up again today as well.  Sorry about that, it will be live again very soon!