Wireless connections are convenient, as anyone who has dealt with well tangled cords and wires can attest to. The downside is that without proper setup they are incredibly insecure and can still be vulernable to certain attacks even when properly secured. One particular vulnerabillty of wireless connections that tends to be missed completely is wireless peripherals, especially the keyboard. What use securing your WiFi when your keyboard is broadcasting everything you type, up to an including passwords, in plain unencrypted text. tbreak examines the Microsoft Wireless Keyboard with AES-128 encryption, perfect for securing yet another attack vector on your PC.
"Do you feel insecure when you press keystrokes on your current wireless keyboard, some one might capture them and find out what passwords or other information you are typing? Then Microsoft has just announced a brand new wireless keyboard and mouse for you. It sends all wireless keystrokes and mouse clicks with AES 128-bit encryption."
Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
Dude that is so sweet! Must
Dude that is so sweet! Must have!
Apple wireless keyboards use
Apple wireless keyboards use bluetooth. Pairing is more secure than the old style wirelsss peripherals.
Apple wireless keyboards use
Apple wireless keyboards use bluetooth. Pairing is more secure than the old style wirelsss peripherals.
Make sure you have a bottle
Make sure you have a bottle of water next to it and a glass of cola.
What we do in this step is convince our subconscious mind that we
have a lot of self confidence, then, we just allow our subconscious mind to
do the job for us and affect our conscious mind to do the
same. In the extreme dental phobia, they are so scared that they never
go and put their health in danger.