“Yeah, but does it play Crysis 2 now?”
Crysis 2 has shed the resource hog reputation of its predecessor while simultaneously shedding its reputation as a game to show off your computer with. There was also a lot of ranting in the forums during it and its demo’s releases about how good of PC game it was altogether. Coming on Monday, Crytek is setting to release their anticipated DirectX 11 patch along with a higher resolution texture pack for those with computers that scoff at Crysis 2 in its current state.
Can you run me now? Good.
(Image from Crytek, modified)
The change list for patch 1.9 includes a set of notable additions:
- DX11: Tessellation + Displacement Mapping
- DX11: High Quality HDR Motion Blur
- DX11: Realistic Shadows with Variable Penumbra
- DX11: Sprite Based Bokeh Depth of Field
- DX11: Parallax Occlusion Mapping
- DX11: Particle Motion Blur, Shadows, and Art Updates
- DX11: Water Rendering improvement using Tessellation and Displacement Mapping
- Realtime Local Reflections
- Added support for Higher Resolution Textures Package
- Improved advanced video settings menu
- Improved Tone Mapping
- (And the usual bug fixes and such)
I wanna see how much of a
I wanna see how much of a difference this update does, but I enjoyed the single player game and will be more than happy to go through it again. This time I’m hoping my system doesn’t just laugh at it though.
Can’t wait until Monday
Can’t wait until Monday evening – which is when it is likely to be available Perth time.
It will be interesting to see what impact it has on the FPS at 2560×1440. The DX9 version was a walk in the park.
Yeah, I would expect it would
Yeah, I would expect it would add a lot of visual flare depending on what you like. Example, if you hate blur then HDR motion blur and Bokeh DoF would be bad… of course.
As for Bokeh depth of field… it’s a Japanese photography term. It basically allows the artist to simulate an aperture of a particular shape. Real Depth of Field blur isn’t Gaussian… it actually depends on the Aperture.