Xbit Labs recently detailed a new rumor concerning Intel’s upcoming X79 chipset. According to a leaked document viewed by them, X79 will support both Intel’s current and upcoming high end processors sockets in the form of LGA 1366 and LGA 2011. What this means for the end user is that they will be able to purchase a x79 based motherboard that will support either Nehalem or Sandy Bridge-E processors, unless motherboard manufacturers decide to splurge and include both sockets on one board like the Asus’ concept board shown at Computex 2011. This means that while DIY enthusiasts and gamers are not likely to use these motherboards as an upgrade path to Sandy Bridge (as a CPU upgrade would likely still necessitate a motherboard upgrade due to both sockets not being physically present), IT departments will likely appreciate the continued support of the older 1366 processors on new motherboards as it will make replacement parts easy to find for high end 1366 based workstations.
On the other hand, manufacturers will benefit the most from the X79 chipset supporting multiple sockets, and thus reducing costs. This cost reduction may then allow for cheaper end-user costs.
Intel itself is planning to manufacture two X79 motherboards named the DX79SI and DX79TO, will each support LGA 1366 and LGA 2011 respectively. Xbit Labs reports that the DX79SI board is planned to be a feature packed LGA 2011, no-compromise affair, with support for up to 64GB of RAM (eight DIMM slots), three PCI-E 3.0 slots for multi-GPU configurations, 12 SATA (six SATA 3 6GB/s, six SATA 2 3GB/s) ports, four USB 3.0, 14 USB 2.0, 8-channel audio, Wifi and Bluetooth, and two Gigabit Ethernet connections.
In contrast, the DX79TO will feature a LGA 1366 socket, and brings two PCI-E 2.0 x16 slots, 8 SATA connectors (likely four SATA 3, four SATA 2), 2 USB 3.0, 6-channel audio, a single Gigabit Ethernet connection, and DDR3 memory support (there are no details on the exact DIMM configuration supported yet).
By lowering the cost of supporting two high-end CPU lines and platforms, Intel, motherboard manufacturers, and consumers likely have a win-win-win situation, providing that the rumor comes to fruition.
I find it unlikely that x79
I find it unlikely that x79 will support LGA1366 directly. Afaict LGA2011 is going down the route of putting most of the PCIe on the CPU so even if it was possible to hook up x79 directly to a LGA1366 chip (and I don’t think it would be because from what i’ve read the interface used by x79 is PCIe based rather than QPI based) the results would be less than impressive.
One possibility that would make more sense is that a LGA1366 board could be made with X58+X79 rather than the X58+ICH10 combination that is used right now. The x79 would bring it’s benefits (like integrated sata 6G and SAS) while the x58 would continue to provide the bulk of the PCIe.
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If some one wishes to be updated with hottest technologies then he must be go to see this site and be up to date everyday.
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Intel is like apple in the
Intel is like apple in the terms that they don’t want you reusing stuff. Compatibility with the previous generation product in my mind is crucial.
So this means my i7 920 would
So this means my i7 920 would work with the new X79??? That would be amazing. They just stopped making the Gene III from Asus which I wanted for the small form factor and USB 3.0/Sata 6. There is no chance I am “upgrading” from my 1366 to 1155. But if this chip fits the LGA2011 I will gladly buy.