Upgrading anything on your PC is great fun but it can also invites great pain into your life as you give the sadistic side of your ‘puter a chance to mess with your head. Even if the upgrade is external, your internet connection for instance, there is still a chance that somewhere, somehow, the PC will find a way to make you miserable. Here in the the PC Perspective Forums, we don’t see this as a reason to leave forehead prints in your desk, we consider it a learning experience, and we do it to ourselves on purpose … or possibly accidentally? It is not just PCs ether, our mobile devices are getting smart enough to mess with us as well and the customer support can be worse.
If you are looking for something more than jsut sharing tech advice, you can blow people away or blow their arguments away. If you are feeling more altruistic you can Fold@Home and try to save lives or pick up a BOINC project or 12 and contribute to our scientific knowledge. Then again if you want to be entertained while you learn, we didn’t quite make the length of a double podcast but Epsiode 159 of the PC Perspective Podcast runs 1:27:10.