Before your weekly tour through the PC Perspective Forums, it would behoove you to check out the bottom of some of our front page stories. If you click on the comments link, or just scroll down after clicking on an article you will notice it is possible to have a discussion about that article right there on the front page with other readers and with the creator of the review or news post. It is easy and you don’t even need to sign up, though we would prefer that you do as membership at PC Perspective does have its privileges. If you want to remain anonymous or unverified then certainly do, though we do require you to fill something in the email address box and read a captcha, as there are still spammers out there on the internets.
To get really in depth advice and opinions you really should head off to the PC Perspective Forums, we can’t give you indepth instructions on using Microsoft’s debugging tools in the comments section but it is a piece of cake (slightly old cake, but still) to provide step by step instructions with pictures in the Forum its self. Some things just shouldn’t be on the front page, but in the forums you will find kind souls ready to help your wetware as well as your hardware. Sometimes you will even find independent reviews in the Forums.
In the Cases’n’Cooling Forum, a new case mod has appeared; the Blood Ice HAF 922 is worth a look whether you are into case modding or just want to see an impressive tool set and workbench. In the Storage Forum a member is having an unpleasant time with a recent SSD upgrade as is someone in the Linux Forum.
The live watchers are already upset with us and the rest will just be receiving the bad news, but for the first time in quite a while we failed to provide our dedicated viewers a fresh PC Perspective Podcast on Wednesday. With Ryan in Seattle schmoozing with AMD and a pending riot of Vancouver residents, we decided to call it off. Perhaps next week we shall torture you with a double length episode?
You better have a double
You better have a double episode next week! 🙂
I am still waiting for the
I am still waiting for the new ROG Wrath’O’Josh MB, the last one with the neato dual pci for scan line interleave support for Voodoo’s was rockin
Really guys ,its summer take some time ;>
The good news, Vancouver is
The good news, Vancouver is still there for future visits.
Bonjour à chacun des
Bonjour à chacun des contributeurs de cette assemblée ,
Pour débuter , permettez-moi de vous démontrer ma gratitude pour chacune des excellentes informations que j’ai trouvées sur cet impressionnant forum de discussions .
Je ne suis pas assuree d’être au meilleur section mais je n’en ai pas vu de meilleur.
Je vis à Saint jean sur richelieu, usa. J’ai 43 années et j’ai trois super enfants qui sont tous âgés entre 3 et 15 années (1 est adopté). J’aime beaucoup les animaux et je tempte de leur offrir les concoctions qui leur rendent l’existance plus à l’aise .
Merci à l’avance pour toutes les formidables délibérations à venir et je vous remercie surtout de votre compréhension pour mon français moins qu’idéal : ma langue maternelle est le mandarin et j’essaie d’apprendre mais c’est très complexe !
A plus tard
The only torture about having
The only torture about having a double episode is the wait for it to come out! I love your podcasts and the longer they are, the better in my book!
Be careful what you wish for,
Be careful what you wish for, we are still attempting to cut down content even on those 1 1/2 hour long episodes. Ask for double length and we might just let Josh go on for a straight hour to see if his voice goes.
Sounds like a plan. Just
Sounds like a plan. Just promise that you guys will have a good dose of beer or whatever to “help” you keep going!
tres interessant, merci
tres interessant, merci