Look at those kids, they aren’t even smiling, yet they are controlling a giant fleet battle in the Star Wars Universe by touch! Arthur Nishimoto was a student at the University of Illinois at Chicago and this is what he designed as part of his course. It is hard to say exactly what the pop up menus signify exactly, but don’t you desperately want to find out? You can glean quite a bit about the Fleet Commander game and the interface called TacTile which was used at his personal site here. The full size HD YouTube link also contains interesting comments, an almost unique occurance for that site.
Thanks to BoingBoing for first finding it.
"It’s probably the level of concentration required, but these kids do not look nearly as excited about what they are doing as I think they should.
For the last two years, University of Illinois at Chicago graduate student Arthur Nishimoto has been working on this incredible-looking video game based around a multi-touch interface."
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