PC Perspective Podcast #167 – 8/25/2011
This week we talk about HD6970 shortages, the ASUS ROG Matrix GTX580, HP selling it’s PC business and more!
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The URL for the podcast is: https://pcper.com/podcast – Share with your friends!
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Hosts: Ryan Shrout, Jeremy Hellstrom, Josh Walrath and Allyn Malventano
This Podcast is brought to you by
Program Schedule:
- 0:00:38 Introduction
- 1-888-38-PCPER or podcast@pcper.com
- https://pcper.com/podcast
- http://twitter.com/ryanshrout and http://twitter.com/pcper
- 0:01:32 Where Have All the 6970s Gone?
- 0:12:23 ASUS ROG Matrix GTX 580 Platinum 1.5GB Graphics Card Review – Best of the best?
- 0:26:00 This Podcast is brought to you by
MSI Computer , and their all new Sandy Bridge Motherboards! - 0:27:05 Llano is running short
- 0:33:50 HP conference call this afternoon, could a major division drop?
- 0:35:50 Corsair Unveils Two New 90GB SATA 6Gb/s SSDs, A World’s First
- 0:42:02 Battlefield 3: This is what the PC players will be enjoying
- 0:43:59 Intel returns to upgrade cards for more of their crippled parts
- 0:48:20 Gigabyte motherboard with 20GB cache
- 0:50:49 Drobo Improves Storage with new App-Driven Delivery
- 1:00:25 Deus Ex gives beautiful performance on cards costing less than $250
- 1:01:22 Steve Jobs steps down blah blah
- 1:02:15 Emails from Graeme about a SWTOR rig
- 1:06:41 Email from Eric about a new MB/CPU
- 1:11:20 Email from a lot of people – What SSD would Allyn buy?
- 1:14:30 Email from Mark about Matrox TripleHead2Go
- 1:19:32 Hardware / Software Pick of the Week
- Blue Icicle Ryan:
- Jeremy: Space Marine demo on Steam
- Josh: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833122326
- Allyn: Unlocker (is finally 64 bit)
- 1-888-38-PCPER or podcast@pcper.com
- https://pcper.com/podcast
- http://twitter.com/ryanshrout and http://twitter.com/pcper
- Closing
the direct link to download
the direct link to download the mp3 does not work. at this moment in time.
The last few podcasts are on
The last few podcasts are on youtube but NOT on the here? Kinda wierd.
I wish someone would tell us
I wish someone would tell us why it takes sooooooo long to post the podcast on YouTube.