Results: 3D Mark Vantage
Though getting a bit long in the tooth now, it is still a nice benchmark to see DirectX 10 programming in action. The Performance preset was used.
The 6800s are unsurprisingly at the bottom, but the 6950 trades blows with the 560 Ti. EAH6970 rules the roost in this particular roundup.
Im hoping my 6950/2gig is
Im hoping my 6950/2gig is going to hold up another year. Good card but software is getting up there.
It should hold up fine for
It should hold up fine for another year. Metro 2033 is still the toughest app out there so far, but I guess BF3 is somewhat close at Ultra levels.
Will you please label the
Will you please label the order of cards in the images on the conclusion page? It’s an interesting comparison.
From top to bottom, and left
From top to bottom, and left to right… EAH6970, EAH6950, EAH6870, and EAH6850.
hey I have an 6870 and E7300
hey I have an 6870 and E7300 can i run Battlefield 3 run Battlefield 3 and how many fps