At first glance they may just look like colourful metal 3.5" to 5.25" drive bay adapters but the Tiché PC HDD Vibration Killer kit includes a rubber suspension intended to stop the noise and vibrations generated by a spinning hard disk. It should help with cooling since the drives have more space around them in a 5.25" bay and it will help save space as three drives will fit in only two 5.25" slots. SPCR’s testing disproved the first as they saw noticeably higher temperatures from the drives once installed in the mounts, but not worryingly so. They did see seriously positive results when they looked at the effectiveness of vibration reduction as well as noise reduction. If you’ve got a drive that shakes your house when you boot this kit is worth checking out.
"The Tiché PC HDD Vibration Killer is an aftermarket internal hard drive suspension system that is simple but effective and cost efficient."
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