has released yet another revival of Sierra’s back catalog of PC adventure titles. If you have some time and/or nostalgia to kill, you can head down to and play one of five adventure titles for free within your browser. Each title has been ported to their Javascript-based engine. If you see another main character walking around, be sure to say hi: each title is also multiplayer.

I tried saying that to a receptionist once — but the interview ended up just being me answering questions.

Sierra was at one point a leading developer and publisher of adventure titles for the PC. The Quest series of franchises have three major lines: King’s Quest, Police Quest, and Space Quest. Telltale Games announced a continuation to King’s Quest, though the other two franchises are not so lucky.

Police Quest spun off into Police Quest: SWAT and Police Quest: SWAT 2; the former was a full-motion video simulation game and the latter was a real-time strategy game. Two sequels were produced, dropping Police Quest from the title, as tactical first person shooters. You can imagine the fate that followed.

Despite their futures, these are still very fun puzzle-adventure titles and well worth visiting or revisiting.

If you like what you play, the later episodes of the Quest franchises are available DRM-free at If, for some reason, you prefer DRM: you can also pick up each, with the exception of Police Quest, at Steam.