They say that you know good art when you see it, for beauty is in the eye of the beholder … and airflow is important in this case. Others have abandoned the ridiculously poor thermal conductivity of air for the superior ability of water to move heat. From the basics of setting up a watercooled system to an experienced member upgrading the watercooling in their system, if you have hot questions you are just burning to ask, head to the Cases’n’Cooling Forum for a deluge of answers.
The Video Card Forum has been quite busy this week, trying to keep up with the large number of leaks that NVIDIA seems to have sprung this week (we believe in NDAs at PC Perspective), which cumulated in the release of the GTX 680 yesterday. Are you headed out to buy one right now or are you saving up for another pair of monitors first? Once you do finish the upgrade why not see if the extra peripheral vision will help you frag fellow Frogs on gaming night?
If that is not your cuppa, then you could always join The Lightning Round to weigh in on your feelings about the Republican Primaries in the US or whatever other political or social topic you would like to have a debate about … except the NDP Leadership race in Canada, after all you don’t want to bore people. On the other hand if you prefer to watch other people talk and debate then catch the latest episode of the PC Perspective Podcast available here and coming to a movie theatre near you.