Metro 2033
Metro 2033 (DirectX 11)
Metro 2033 is one of the best looking PC games in years. By utilizing some advanced DX11 features as well as impressively high-quality shading routines this title pushes our graphics in way we have seen since the first days of Crysis.
We ran Metro 2033 with Advance DOF disabled because it continues to bring cards to their knees.
Here is a case where the AMD Radeon HD 7970 is able to take back the performance lead from the GTX 680 – by as much as 17% at 2560×1600. The GTX 680 is still faster than the HD 7950 card though 16×10 and 19×10.
The reason for frame rate
The reason for frame rate capping is to lower the temps of the card. Which also reduces the fanspeed automatically and consuming less power overall.
It works, I tried it in Battlefield 3 with my two GTX 580’s in SLI. Normally I get about 100 FPS on Ultra, gpu’s at 82C max. With a FPS cap of 80 FPS, I drop temps down to 70’s. 10 degree savings and quieter operation.
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