Yapt v0.3

Yapt (yet another performance test) is a benchmark recommended by a pair of drive manufacturers and was incredibly difficult to locate as it hasn’t been updated or used in quite some time.  That doesn’t make it irrelevant by any means though, as the benchmark is quite useful.  It creates a test file of about 100 MB in size and runs both random and sequential read and write tests with it while changing the data I/O size in the process.  The results are a good look at overall drive performance.

SandForce models (i.e. the Intel 520) peg out on Yapt write tests because Yapt writes a compressible data pattern, which SandForce takes an unfair advantage of when compared to the rest of the pack. The 830 and all other models do not employ any form of compression, so they are more even amongst eachother.

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