In our launch review of the GeForce GTX 670 2GB graphics card this week, we had initially mentioned that these $399 graphics cards would support SLI, 3-Way SLI and even 4-Way SLI configurations thanks to the pair of SLI connections on the PCB. We received an update from NVIDIA later on that day that in fact it would NOT support 4-Way SLI.
The message from NVIDIA was pretty clear cut:
"As I’m sure you can imagine, we have to QA every feature that we claim support for and this takes a tremendous amount of time/resources. For the GTX 680 and GTX 690, we do support Quad SLI and take the time to QA it, as it makes sense for the extreme OC’ers and ultra-enthusiasts who are shooting to break world records."
My reply:
But with the similarities between the GTX 680 and the GTX 670, is there really any QA addition required to enable quad for 670? Seems like a cop-out to me man…
I saw it mostly as a reason to differentiate the GTX 670 and the GTX 680 with a feature since the performance between the cards was very similar; maybe too similar for NVIDIA’s tastes with the $100 price difference.
Well this afternoon we received some good news from our contact at NVIDIA:
"Change in plans…..we will be offering 4-Way SLI support for GTX 670 in a future driver."
So while the 301.34 driver will not support 4-Way configurations with the GTX 670, 4-Way SLI will in fact be enabled after all in a future version. We’ll be sure to keep you in the loop when that happens and the super-extreme enthusiasts can rejoice.
This does go to show that the fundamental differences between AMD’s license-free and seemingly more "open" CrossFire technology and NVIDIA’s for-fee SLI technology. With enough feedback and prodding in the right direction, NVIDIA can and does do the right thing, just look at the success we had convincing them to support SLI on AMD CPU platforms last year.
Feet to the fire everyone!
If that was ur exact quote,
If that was ur exact quote, thats balls out. We apperciate the honesty.
That’s how Ryan rolls lol
That’s how Ryan rolls lol
Would have been sweet if the
Would have been sweet if the EVGA 2win cards had gotin quad sli support.
Always wanted to see that.
Always wanted to see that.
I wonder many new videocard
I wonder many new videocard state performance boosts but always list them under their latest cards.
It would be great if pcper could do a test of a few different driver versions on older videocards. (eg how well does the latest nvidia driver boost performance on the GTX 460, GTX 260, and probably 1 or 2 geforce 9 series and 8 series cards)
These PR spins that companies
These PR spins that companies always spout really gets on my nerves. Make us look like we don’t know jack about jack.
How do you guys keep yourselves from stabbing them in the face?
Now thats what i am talking
Now thats what i am talking about! 4 way all the way.
I hope more cards are 4 way in the future, Well maybe 8 way or 1000 way…
Show me the power!
Love to see the reviews on 4 way sli and crossfire,
On a dual socket motherboard.
I am wondering how well software is writen to take advantage of all that power.
Well just dual socket motherboards would be a nice review, and another review on just 4 way sli and crossfire 4 way…
i think a have said enough. Rambling on…
Real-world demonstrations of
Real-world demonstrations of 4-way SLI (especially with videogames) is awful. Currently, the only reason to ever go with four GPUs is if you’re into setting world-record benchmarks. If you actually want to do something useful with it, good luck. In fact, the performance of adding in that fourth card is often lower than with just two or three. It seems inconclusive whether this is due to how the game engines are written for multi-GPU support, poor driver performance, or (probably) both.
i have 4 evga 4gb sc 670
i have 4 evga 4gb sc 670 cards in 4 way sli and the performance on 3 27″ monitors in surround at 7680×1440 is simply amazing. there is good scaling at about 15-25% increase per card. i play mostly bf 3 and its really smooth. i use all ultra settings. avg fps never dips below 60, stays around 70-80. in big explosions when you die, then it may hit 40-45 lowest for a split second.
I bought 4 evga 670 gtx 4gb
I bought 4 evga 670 gtx 4gb sc version. it said 4 was sli ready. i used the latest driver 301.42 yet the 4 way sli doesnt work. only three way works.
not i got a spare card which i cant even use for phys x as the moment i insert it in to my motherboard, the pc gets all quirly, doesnt moot well, and reverts to the internal graphics card.
im using a g1 sniper 3 with 3770k and 16 gb corsair vengence 1600 ram.
anyone who was successful doing it do let me know how.