Good news SSD fans Intel has not only extended their SandForce SF2281 based 330 line, they have also dropped prices across the board. The new 240GB Intel SSD 330 should be on sale for $194, dropping comfortably below the $1/GB mark. Intel has reduced the costs to their resellers as well, by up to 38 percent on 520 Series, 10% – 18% for the 320 Series and 27% – 34% on the 330 Series. These price changes may not directly translate into the same savings for those purchasing from major retailers but it will certainly have some impact. For instance, right now the Intel 330 180GB model will cost you $160 while the 120GB 320 model remains $170. The 520 series also remains above $1/GB but with this announcement from Intel you should really keep a close eye on PC Perspective and your favourite retailers for price changes.
Jeremy you accidently put a
Jeremy you accidently put a “u” in the word favorite. Jk
yea really… knock it off
yea really… knock it off with the extra U’s and E’s please.
I happen to use the proper
I happen to use the proper Queen's English, eh … not that bastard tongue you people to the south do.