mSATA drives are for far more than just Intel's Rapid Storage Technology to give a platter based drive a performance boost.  At 256GB the Crucial M4 mSATA drive is large enough to run a system off of, tiny enough that it could fit into any system and at $220 it is affordable as well.  If you are looking to build a fast HTPC or simply have a motherboard with an mSATA port you want to fill then you should check out Funky Kit's review.

"We've just published a review on the Crucial M4 mSATA 256GB SSD. We've seen a lot of mSATA SSDs in the past, but sadly they've out of reach to a lot of consumers. But fear not … Crucial is now making their mSATA SSDs mainstream and widely available. We take a closer look at their M4 mSATA 256GB SSD."

Here are some more Storage reviews from around the web:
