The new Ivy Bridge processors introduced a new member of Intel's graphics processor called the HD 2500, which has received less than positive reviews as the previous HD 3000 outperforms it. However those tests were for Windows applications and games, whereas the testing at Phoronix specifically pertains to the performance under Linux. They compare the i5-2400S, i5-2500K, i5-3470, and i7-3770K together in a series of benchmarks to not only test the performance but also their compatibility with Linux. It seems that perhaps the performance of the HD3000 and HD2500 are much closer in Linux than they were running under Windows, though both still lose out to the HD4000.
"Since the launch of Intel's Ivy Bridge processors earlier this year there have been many benchmarks of the Intel Core i7 3770K with its integrated HD 4000 graphics and then more recently have been Linux testing of the Intel Core i7 3517UE from the CompuLab Intense-PC and Intel Core i7-3615QM as found on the Apple Retina MacBook Pro. The newest Intel Ivy Bridge chip to play with at Phoronix is the Intel Core i5 3470, which bears an Intel HD 2500 graphics core. In this article are benchmarks of the Intel HD 2500 Ivy Bridge graphics with the open-source Intel Linux graphics driver stack."
Here are some more Processor articles from around the web:
- Intel Ivy Bridge: GCC 4.8 vs. LLVM/Clang 3.2 SVN @ Phoronix
- Intel Core i7-3820 Processor Review (10M Cache, 3.60 GHz) @ TechwareLabs
- Desktop CPU Comparison Guide @ TechARP
- Mobile CPU Comparison Guide @ TechARP
- AMD Athlon II X4 641, Athlon II X4 651 @ iXBT Labs
Does any one real use Linux
Does any one real use Linux on a full time day to day?
everyone I know that said they do does it for a about a 2 days then comes back to Windows.
Yes, yes they do. Usually
Yes, yes they do. Usually they are working, not playing though … for instance I support a CentOS box running Asterisk that runs 24/7.
Yes but that is not your
Yes but that is not your desktop, it’s an appliance.
I use it every day!
I use it every day!
In our office, everyone uses
In our office, everyone uses Linux or MacOSX. Ubuntu 12.04 is a pretty good OS.
I use Linux full time at home
I use Linux full time at home unless I need to do something in Windows and that has not happened in like a month now.
I cant wait to build my first computer, I will be using Ubuntu since it know it the best.
Until today (my trusty
Until today (my trusty laptop’s fan died and it is too expensive to replace) I’ve used Linux all day, every day for 3-4 years. I used to keep Windows Vista on a dual boot partition (I used it once-in-a-blue-moon to play videos that had Windows Media Player DRM), but about a year ago during my annual “back up and reinstall” session, it stopped installing.
The reason I’m on this site is to check whether the graphics card in a candidate new PC would have compatible Linux drivers.