The Blender Foundation has released several "Open Movies" in the past to showcase the functionality of their open source 3D and visual effects production software. All "Open Movies" were produced with Blender and are released under a Creative Commons Attribution license.
Oh I seriously hope that juice box is made of Mangos.
Their latest release, "Tears of Steel", was developed along with the latest wave of Blender releases under the codename Mango and is a take on the robotic uprising trope condensed into a 10 minute indie-style film. Of course the visual effects are all over the place and look amazing. The writing is obviously lackluster and campy but it clearly does not take itself too seriously — if there was any question then stick around after the credits and you will agree.
It is somewhat of a shift from their last release — Sintel — which I will admit tugged at my heartstrings. Frankly as much as I liked Sintel I am kind-of glad that Tears of Steel, despite its name, did not intend on making me cry.
Oh why do I keep talking? Enjoy it. Heck, it is Creative Commons Attribution — mash it up if you want to. Go nuts.
I was very happy to be one of
I was very happy to be one of many who pre-purchased this. The quality of work is impressive. The only down side is.. Yes there is one .. too short 🙂