AMD has a couple of surprises for gamers today, both using the "Never Settle" branding. Later this morning you will see an article that looks at a new driver revision – 12.11 beta – that will be published this week (it maybe online already). Promising performance increases is 20% and more, it should be an interesting discussion.
Another big push for AMD going into the holiday season will be the Never Settle game bundle; a collection of games included with a graphics card purchase unlike you have ever seen before. And we aren't talking about scrub games here, with the HD 7900 series of cards you'll see Far Cry 3, Hitman: Absolution, Sleeping Dogs and Medal of Honor Warfighter.
Starting today, if you buy an AMD Radeon HD 7900 series of graphics cards, including the HD 7990, HD 7970 and HD 7950, you will get three full games absolutely free! Far Cry 3, Hitman: Absolution and Sleeping Dogs to be exact. Also, you will get a 20% discount on a copy of the new Medal of Honor: Warfighter. And because I already asked, AMD assures us that this is the ONLY discount on Medal of Honor that will be available this year.
Buyers on tighter budgets aren't going to be left out and if you pick up an HD 7800 series or an HD 7770 GHz Edition (not a 7750), you'll get a free copy of Far Cry 3 as well as the 20% off offer on Medal of Honor.
And just to mix things up, if you buy a PAIR of Radeon HD 7800s or a pair of HD 7770 GHz Editions AMD will add in a free copy of Hitman.
I realize that not every gamer is interested in every game that is released, but the value of the Never Settle bundle is really unmatched in anything I have seen before. Valued at $170, the package that you can get by purchasing a Radeon HD 7950 3GB for $299 in theory brings the total out of pocket price of the GPU to $129!!
As I have mentioned previously, bundles are not a cure-all for performance issues, but they can definitely swing a buyer's decision when the other factors are close. I think AMD will have a HUGE advantage going into the holiday buying season even though NVIDIA has the Assassin's Creed 3 bundle (with the GTX 650 Ti) and the Borderlands 2 bundle (with the GTX 660 Ti and above).
See what happens when you have healthy competition in the market? Gamer's always come out ahead!
Just a mistake I found
Just a mistake I found reading the article. It reads “game” but should be “gamer”.
“I realize that not every gamer is interested in every game that is released…”
I’m not a lit major, but I
I’m not a lit major, but I saw that as well.
Wonder how much discount they
Wonder how much discount they get for these games.
Also, they should give people who bought a pair of 7870’s the bundle with sleeping dogs as well considering they’ve spend about the same as a 7970.
“increases os 20% and
“increases os 20% and more”
C’mon Ryan, were you drunk when you wrote this up? Haha
Not that I care, just felt the need to criticise your grammar as that seems to be a new trend in posts.
Yeah, yeah….
Yeah, yeah….
I sorta look at it this way
I sorta look at it this way too, I actually have a bit more time indoors over the winter months where I live, and having some games to play that I would probably really like seems very reasonable to me to take into consideration with a holiday gaming gpu upgrade, Besides it sure would sound like a reasonable argument in a Dear Santa letter.
Dear Santa,
Dear Santa,
Oculus Rift.Please.
Thank you
Not bad.
Not bad.