HDTune 5

HDTune tests a similar level of features as compared with HDTach, but with a different access pattern. Thus provides us with an additional set of benchmark numbers to compare between storage configurations. Here we can get the minimum, maximum and average transfer rates as well as the burst rates and access times. CPU utilization has proven negligible with modern processing horsepower, and is no longer included.

Much like HDTach, HDTune's burst test gives very inconsistent results. Posted here for information only – the results don't have significant meaning.

The output graph from HDTune was one of the most consistent I'd ever seen on both the 840 and the 840 Pro. It was as perfect of a flat line as possible, from the beginning to the very end of both units. The 840 somehow squeaked even further past the 840 Pro, which had previously taken the crown on this test.

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