UPDATE: We have selected a winner using Random.org and that is….  Sandy Bruce!!  Congrats to the winner and keep checking back on pcper.com as we will have more contests for your shortly!!!


Looking for a killer upgrade to your PC?  How does 16GB of DDR3 memory running at 2133 MHz sound?  What if it were FREE?  Corsair and PC Perspective and teamed up to give away a 16GB kit (4 x 4GB) of Dominator Platinum memory!!

These are the latest modules from Corsair that include a completely cooler design as well as user swappable LED strip!  Check out the video below!

These modules are pretty sexy in the dark…

What do you have to do to win this gorgeous memory?  It's quite simple:

  1. Head over to Corsair's Facebook page and give them a 'like'.
  2. If you are feeling generous (and want to learn about future giveaways) like the PC Perspective Facebook page as well. 
  3. Leave a comment below telling us how you plan on using the Corsair Dominator Platinum memory if you win it!

Pretty simple, right?  We'll run the sweepstakes from now until October the 10th, so jump in and get in your shot to walk away from 16GB of memory from PC Perspective and our friends at Corsair!!