Last year at E3 we were introduced to a mostly finalized version of the Oculus Rift, which was also at CES this year and if still on schedule will be available for purchase come March. The Tech Report, who are no strangers to 3D or to multi-monitor gaming, tried out the current Oculus Rift and saying they were blown away might be an understatement. From the very start they were impressed with the Rift, from the fact that they could wear it over top of prescription glasses, to the depth and fluidity of the head tracking and it took a personal story about John Carmack from one of the owners to distract them, the sounds of CES were not enough on their own. While they did feel that the demonstration that was displayed in the glasses could have used a bit of tessellation, that hardly spoiled their excitement at all.
"We got to try an Oculus Rift VR headset at CES, and we were blown away by it."
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I know that games will be
I know that games will be Oculus Rift supported, but what kind of support will be available to games that that don’t have Oculus Rift support?
I want this to be a solution to my desire for the multi-monitor MS Flight Simulator X/ DCS setup that I want but can’t do because of space. If the Oculus Rift could at least let any game use the monitor inside the device without any patches to the game, I see the Oculus Rift as a great purchase.
Lack of head tracking isn’t big deal for those with TrackIR. It’s getting the monitor to work with FSX that I want.
This is more of a SDK type
This is more of a SDK type thing at this point, this thing shoulda stayed under wraps till they had a number of titles that it was compat with
If they can get this and
If they can get this and Kinect to work together the world will be magical. Just imagine bringing your hands up in front of your face and having it mirrored inside the Oculus. Craziness.
Oculus Rift: Motion Tracker
Oculus Rift: Motion Tracker development
If they can get this and
If they can get this and Kinect to work together the world will be magical. Just imagine bringing your hands up in front of your face and having it mirrored inside the Oculus. Craziness.
or combine with a drone!! so
or combine with a drone!! so the drone camera moves as you move..