Tim did a post on cheap 27" IPS 1440p monitors from Monoprice within the opening days of the calendar year. These panels are derivative of the type you would see on Dell Ultrasharp or Apple Cinema Displays. We say derivative because LCD panel manufacturing is very imprecise: completed panels get graded, bin-sorted, and sold to bidders. A panel which does not grade high enough for Dell, Apple, HP, and other professional companies is probably still a perfectly good panel and suitable for other bidders. Monoprice is putting their branding on one of those bidders and selling it for under $400, about a third of the cost of the A+-sorted panels.
And they're gone.
Now, almost three months later, Monoprice has caught up and will start shipping the new batch as early as tomorrow. How long that will last, who knows? If you wish to have a high end monitor on the cheap, you will probably want to run and not walk.
The Monoprice CrystalPro WQHD monitor is available for $390.60. Monoprice advertises the display to be perfect for Eyefinity setups… except that it is limited to one per customer. Oh well, troll well.
These things are a hit or
These things are a hit or miss.
A 24′, properly QC’ed 1920×1200 H-IPS is the way to go over this.
Depends on the risk your
Depends on the risk your willing to take. That’s why they are hundreds less than other 27″ panels at the same resolution. I bought one of these Korean panels and I absolutely love it and would never settle for anything less. My friend had the same opinion as you have until he saw my monitor in action. he ended up buying one too. You do risk getting a dead pixel or two, but at 300 – 400, its a risk worth taking if you are a gamer and not needing a monitor for a professional application.
I don’t take such stupid
I don’t take such stupid risk. It’s known that the panel wasn’t up to the manufactorers “10-10”, A-grade, so why should I buy it? It nothing more than an obvious crapshoot.
You buy it, it fucks up on you, then what the hell are you going to do? Are you going to sell it on the cheap expecting someone to fix it?
Which is why I bought this instead:
It’s a great monitor.
there is a difference, these
there is a difference, these come with a Monoprice warranty so you know who to talk to. Instead of buying it from ebay where you are kinda S.O.L. if something happens.
It’s still shooting in the
It’s still shooting in the dark.
It’s not much different than buying a used CRT off the eBay.
Just keep in mind that cheap is cheap for a reason, and if you use crap, expect crap. Reminds me of someone I heard buying a Ford something off an auction, then it’s radiator overheated and boiled and boiled up to the point of blowing up the engine while he was just cruising it back home…
How do you know, you talk
How do you know, you talk like you know about this even though you haven’t seen one of these in action? Why don’t you read some reviews on these monitors quite a few people have great experiences with these. If you don’t want to take a stupid risk great good on ya, your missing out on 1440p bliss. buying used crap on ebay is not the same as buying a new monitor from monoprice, or even buying from a korean manufacturer. Enjoy your crappy 1600 x 1200 panel.
Nice Justin that is a good
Nice Justin that is a good point. I think I might check out this cheap but awesome product. Also this guy has GTX 680 in SLI that he doesn’t use for gaming (except like 15 year old S**t ware) and he uses it on 1600 x 1200 monitor! It’s Hilarious.
It’s not a “cheap but
It’s not a “cheap but awesome” product.
Yes, I do own two 680’s and one of them is just laying around doing nothing, with the other plugged in.
As for using them on a “1600×1200” monitor, I’ll just point out that you’re a moron and leave it at that.
That monitor can do 85 HZ at low-res and 75 HZ at ANY res. Maybe that should tell you something?
Suck my weasel.
What are you trying to tell
What are you trying to tell me, you mean that you somehow found the technology to make that cheap 98 dollar monitor display any rez??? Wow man so how do you divide native pixels you fucking idiot? John Doe you must be retarded. No one I know would spend $1200 on gfx cards and strap them to a 20″ 16×12 panel. Why don’t you go answer questions on yahoo answers and leave this site to those who actually care about today’s tech. I bet you’re still rocking a single core cpu with a 256mb gfx card. It would match your display since you like shit from ten years ago. Save up man Im sure one day you will be able to buy that new computer. Or better yet sell that 20″ monitor that can divide native pixels, you fucking tool.
Crappy? Hahaha you’re
Crappy? Hahaha you’re funny.
That “crappy” screen has a WAY BEYOND better QC than that fucking shitty Monoprice or whatever. Even the name alone tells that it’s a cheap ass product.
The LP2065 used to sell for MUCH MORE than the Monoprice in it’s hay days, and there’s a reason for that.
I’m not missing on anything.
Choke on my fucking 9 inch weasel, fucker.
You do you want guys to suck
You do you want guys to suck your dick man? You must be confused…
Why do you want guys to suck
Why do you want guys to suck your dick man? You must be confused…
I’ll just say you sound like
I’ll just say you sound like a blabbering vagina spewing douche every which way. You may know some things but you seriously sound like an idiot when you talk (type?). The fact that you consistently act like you know what you are saying is almost worthy of some sort of comedy show. So I have decided to just come watch the John D. Show exclusively on pcper! What will this douche among men say tomorrow!? Oh and your new name for this show will be called D. Baggerson. Join us tomorrow folks!
He’ll be over JGuru before
He’ll be over JGuru before you could finish up that show.
I purchased this monitor back
I purchased this monitor back in February. It’s been a fantastic monitor, no hot spots. No dead pixels. The only complaint I have is the stand is pure crap but I can really care less though, I paid $320 for it with a coupon code. I give it a 9/10 due to the stand. Worth every penny. So take it from someone who actually owns it, if you don’t like the monitor count your losses and return it for the $20ish shipping to Monoprice. It comes with a warranty and Monoprice stands by their quality.
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