PC Perspective Podcast #244 – 03/28/2013
Join us this week as we discuss the launch of Frame Rating, HD 7790 vs. GTX 650Ti BOOST, and news from GDC
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Hosts: Ryan Shrout, Jeremy Hellstrom, Josh Walrath, and Allyn Malventano
This Podcast is brought to you by MSI!
Program length: 1:19:22
Podcast topics of discussion:
Week in Review:
News items of interest:
1:00:00 Is there a Flash flood coming?
1:12:00 Hardware/Software Picks of the Week:
1-888-38-PCPER or podcast@pcper.com
Great show guys!
Uhm Think
Great show guys!
Uhm Think there is a typo on the Geforce650Ti with BOOST, not 560Ti right??
Great podcast from everyone.
Great podcast from everyone. I thought all contributions were very interesting.
Particularly of note,I thought the heartfelt sentiment from Josh was nice to see, and something I’m certain many people echo. Add that to another reason I enjoy listening to Josh talk. Thorough tech breakdowns including perhaps not often-mentioned differentiation factors, humor, and a genuinely kind soul. Good on you, sir.
Ryan, not only has your hard work provided incredibly useful information in this evolving metric, your explanations (both in print and in this podcast) break the information down in such an understandable manner it truly can not be understated. Regardless if this is only helpful in helping layman understand or actually garners results from AMD, please understand both are equally important. Your time and money, at least in mind, have gone to excellent use by garnering this and future articles/discussions. Add to this your openness to admit you don’t have all the answers and are willing to accept new interpretations (via e-mail etc) really do reflect an admirable head space in this frontier. It’s impressive in every regard…and shall we say a differentiating factor.
Wow, thank you for your
Wow, thank you for your comments. We appreciate our viewers and glad you choose to participate weekly!
Good show – hope Josh does
Good show – hope Josh does get his raise – anyone who sucks up that much to the boss deserves something!
You asked if the latency was
You asked if the latency was impacted and I know the answer.
While the cards are both running in parallel Fraps only sees a single API and hence its model is the same as with one card. Its frame times are based on that serial presentation. So if you see 20ms and then 2ms actually one card took 20ms and then the next took 22ms, and its highly likely it only actually took 20ms but the 2ms is the CPU time for the game simulation to render the extra sim as GPUs are very consistent in their production of screens. Because there is no attempt by AMD to offset the cards at the expect frame rate they run together from the very beginning and never separate.
So is the latency increased by Crossfire/SLI? In theory no, at the same settings they have the same game sim latency, same context queue and vsync latency. However there are some circumstances where latency is increased, like when you use that additional performance of SLI/Crossfire to give you more graphics at the same frame rate of a single card. In that circumstance the GPU render time for an individual card has doubled and at 60fps that is a whopping 16ms extra of input latency. Each card is running at half the speed but because you have two of them the FPS is the same.
It used to be the case that you could set the context queue to zero on single cards and have the calls go direct to the graphics card further reducing latency. You can’t do that anymore in NVidia’s drivers and I suspect you can’t on AMD eiter. But with SLI/crossfire its always been the case that they required the context queue to be at least 1 big.
Interesting discussion on
Interesting discussion on things, thanks!
Ryan I want to thank you for
Ryan I want to thank you for all the work that you’v done, it helps us gamers quantify the truth, thank you.
Ryan is a true legend and his
Ryan is a true legend and his hard work and dedication will go down in frame rating history! if i see people asking about frame rates on other forums etc i will surely point them to pc per!!
I’ve committed only a few
I’ve committed only a few time in the last 7 years and i must Thank You Ryan Shrout for all the hard work and money you put into this. Thank You for loving PC as much as we do. I’m no homo but Thank You from the bottom of my heart.
Lol thanks!
Lol thanks!
Thanks much for the clear
Thanks much for the clear explanation of the old micro-stutter issue…makes me proud to be a lowly poor single GPU system owner :^) now if they would work more on kicking the high pingers which seems to still really affect multiplayer games the most.