AMD64 arrived a decade ago with the launch of the first Opteron processor in April of 2003, back in the days when NVIDIA made motherboards and ATI was a separate company. In those days AMD looked like serious competition for Intel as they were out innovating Intel and competing for Big Blue's niche markets as they were first to cross the GHz line and the first to offer a 64bit architecture on a commercially available platform. At that point Intel actually licensed AMD64, re-branded it as x86-64 and used it on their Xeon processor line, a huge victory for AMD. Unfortunately there was not much in the way of consumer software capable of taking advantage of 64-bit architecture and unfortunately remains so to this day, apart from peoples ability to benefit from the enlarged RAM pool allowed. Take a walk down memory lane at The Inquirer, and remember the good old days when AMD was prospering.
"A DECADE AGO AMD released the first Opteron processor and with it the first 64-bit x86 processor."
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- Intel pushing adaptive all-in-one PCs with new components @ DigiTimes
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- The TR Podcast 132: BioShock, bundles and big SSDs
Big Blue = IBM
Big Blue = IBM
ha, mixing my metaphors! I
ha, mixing my metaphors! I was trying to think how to mention that IBM was one of the few specialists doing 64bit … while typing about intel. I shall reword that
Those were the days..
Those were the days..
wow, was that really 10 years
wow, was that really 10 years ago, thanks for making me feel old
Feels like yesterday, I can
Feels like yesterday, I can still remember reading the news then later reading the benchmarks and thinking amd could never pull it off, apparently they did manage to pull it off. Getting old.