UPDATE 4/26/13: We are extremely excited to see that we have met our first goal for our Indiegogo project! We are eternally grateful for our fans and readers that are supporting us in this endeavor. We are going to start putting together orders for the set materials and I am very excited about the direction this is pointing us in. There is still room to improve the project though and we have lots of great perks available for those of you that are still looking to contribute to the cause! Oh, and we should have our T-shirt design ready early next week as well. Thank you EVERYONE for reading PC Perspective!!
And for those of you looking for a bit more insight into our total goals, here is another mock up of the set!
Yesterday evening, the team at PC Perspective launched a project that will help us grow and expand our coverage of technology and computer hardware. Using the crowd funding service called Indiegogo.com, we are doing a fund drive to help improve the quality of our video content and enable us to do more, unique styles of content.
If you are anything like us, you love technology. Motherboards, graphics cards, processors, SSDs, monitors, laptops, tablets, cell phones and more. And you also love reading about them, hearing about them and seeing them, dissecting them and finding out what makes them tick.
I am confident that high quality video content is the future of our medium and while we have been able to do quite a lot with the basic technology and setup we have here today, my goal is to be able to bring the readers regular, high quality video content on all aspects of technology. We want to not only have video reviews for products but we want to be able to do near-daily content updates on the news of the day while balancing that with long-form interviews of personalities that make the industry function. We have dabbled in some of these content types and the responses have been great, but we need a higher quality setup to really do it right.
Our goal with this project is to build the funds necessary to turn our office in Florence, KY into a high tech video production outlet that starts with a quality set design and better quality equipment.
Other than supporting one of your favorite online outlets, we have also lined up some sweet perks for contributors to our project. We have ad-free versions of the site, Tshirts and access to the PC Perspective Gold Club that has some pretty ridiculous giveaways! If you support us even further you can get some individual time with our team to tell us why you supported us, answer your questions or even join us for an episode of the PC Perspective Podcast!
Come visit the offices, join the process of creating a new show or make fun of Josh's laugh in person – it's all possible!
So if you have the means and you want to support our cause, if you have enjoyed any of our articles, podcasts or video reviews, consider helping to fund our project!
Ryan this is awesome. I’ve
Ryan this is awesome. I’ve always enjoyed the content that you guys provide especially around CES time as its straight to the point, not to mention you guys ask great questions of your presenters. I’ll be donating, thankfully I get paid tonight.
Awesome, thank you very much
Awesome, thank you very much for your support–we all appreciate it! I'm glad you like my ramblings around CES 🙂
Always a great job PCPer!
Always a great job PCPer! happy to donate!
Glad to donate. just be wise
Glad to donate. just be wise with the $100 I kicked in.
I’ll be mad if it all goes to a bawdry night in Vegas and hookers and blow.
Keep up the good work!
Aww… 🙁
Aww… 🙁
What if we blow it on a
What if we blow it on a license of Sony Vegas and hooker up to a technical director station run by a woman named Audrey?