Yapt v0.3
Yapt (yet another performance test) is a benchmark recommended by a pair of drive manufacturers and was incredibly difficult to locate as it hasn't been updated or used in quite some time. That doesn't make it irrelevant by any means though, as the benchmark is quite useful. It creates a test file of about 100 MB in size and runs both random and sequential read and write tests with it while changing the data I/O size in the process. The results are a good look at overall drive performance.
Yapt shows most all STA 6Gb/sec units saturating the interface, save the Samsung unit, which does not play nicely with this particular test.
Very thorough review Allyn.
Very thorough review Allyn. The move to try out the new flash size using sandforce instead of Indilinx perplexed me at first, but then I thought that they would probably want to experiment the hardware change with a tried and true firmware.
looks great nice work Allyn!
looks great nice work Allyn! Though you should really include more 500+ gb units in your reviews for completeness 😀
Thanks! We usually try to
Thanks! We usually try to cover ranges, but the 3.20 is not available in a >240GB capacity.
I am still using my OCZ
I am still using my OCZ Vertex 3 SSD with no problems. Vertex 3.20 does not deserve that Vertex name. Come on, OCZ, you need to do better SSD Vertex SSD products.
Hey Allyn,
What components
Hey Allyn,
What components make up the overhead that prevents SSD’s from reaching the max 6gbps bus speed? Is it all scsi frame overhead or are there other limiting factors?