Continuing this weeks theme of monitor deals is the Dell U3014 30" IPS display, an updated version of their long running Ultrasharp 30" series. The specs remain similar to the old U3011 with new connectivity options, a 4-port USB 3.0 hub, DisplayPort 1.2 and mini-DisplayPort 1.2 along with legacy connections. With a $250 instant rebate now is a good time to jump on this deal if you were planning on moving your display up to the big leagues.
Dell U3014 30" UltraSharp 2560 x 1600 LED-backlit IPS LCD Monitor
Dell Home is offering flagship 30" UltraSharp – the U3014 (successor to the existing U3011 model) for $1,249.99 with FREE shipping. Backed by 3-Year Advanced Exchange Service and Premium Panel Guarantee. Use $250 instant savings to get final price.
1250 for this when I can get
1250 for this when I can get a 4*2K TV for $1500? Shove it Dell.
Another overpriced 2560×1600
Another overpriced 2560×1600 monitor.
The only really positive of
The only really positive of this product is that they are sticking true to the 16:10 PC world instead of caving into the 16:9 television world and their matte screen is apparently less severely coated than the U3011. I put off buying three new 30″ 2560x1600s to replace my current ones for over a year, expecting the new models to be awesome . . . instead, I’m quite disapointed.
All I want is a quality IPS panel at 2560×1600 with a very fast response rate, 60hz (120hz, ideally), no-glossy coating, and no screwed-up matte coating (make it more like the Apple Cinema Display’s matte coating without shiny sparklies in a bucket of painted-on goop), with thin bezels that will work well in a three monitor setup and aren’t hard to find a good VESA mount for in a triple monitor setup. I’ve got good money to blow on this. I’ve budgeted $5k for this . . . and yet monitor manufactures are still dumbing out slow, underwhelming, lame 2560×1600 displays — mostly 2560×1440 displays and then really tiny, low-resolution, crappy monitors that are great for gaming (stuff with LightBoost, for example) but absolute shit for real work.
It’s 2013. How can we not have great all-around high-end monitors? TAKE MY MONEY, ASSES!
No don’t Take All my
No don’t Take All my Money!!!! because $5000 for three monitors is crazy even for the extremely wealthy.. Monitors aren’t simply worth that type of money, no matter what the specs are.. Period… Make the products that the masses want at prices they can afford. Get more people buying your products by lowering your prices .
2560×1600 screen are garbage because there over 15 years old on the digital spectrum and even older on the analog CRT spectrum.. We need company’s to think like apple “But with more affordable prices” Apple is shipping Laptops and Tablets with resolutions way higher than 2560 res.. Give me an true 240hz 3860×2680 4k monitor “display port 2.0” 2ms response time at a price no higher than $400.00 .. You can already Buy these panels without monitor from Samsung for under 200. This is where apple get their screens for the monitors from..
Bro, let go of Steve Job’s
Bro, let go of Steve Job’s left nut-sack! Apple Retina is neither the best resolution nor the best display.