Metro 2033 quickly gained a reputation as a game which can take everything a modern GPU could throw at it and still want more. Now we have not only a new generation of Metro but also some new hardware to test it with, namely the TITAN and the GTX 780 which are now in [H]ard|OCP's test bed. They tried out the new game at 2560 x 1600 with high tessellation enabled and found the TITAN to be the overall winner thanks to its ability to support PhysX at these high settings, with the GTX 780 a very close second and perhaps a better choice for those not planning on using PhysX. Their testing also backs up the developers statement that in order to enable SSAA you will need a second GPU.
"Today we look at 4A Games Metro: Last Light. Running the 4A Engine it supports modern DX11 effects including tessellation, and NVIDIA PhysX, providing realistic simulations of particles, water, cloth and fog. We'll evaluate this game using today's latest video cards including GTX TITAN and GTX 780, for a total of eight video cards."
Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- Metro: Last Light @ LanOC Reviews
- Metro: Last Light PC @ Tweaktown
- Metro: Last Light Performance, Benchmarked @ TechSpot
- Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Review @ OCC
- Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon @ Tweaktown
- Defiance Review: Resistance is Not Futile @ Techgage
- Wot I Think: GRID 2 @ Rock, Paper, SHOTGUN
- Endless Space Now Even More Endless Than Before @ Rock, Paper, SHOTGUN
Metro Last Light looks
Metro Last Light looks amazing, 4A gives a glimpse of next gen just like crysis 3.’ On my EVGA GTX 670 oc to 680 Clock speeds I get 60-90 fps with everything on except ssaa, at 1080p. With SSAA motion blur low I get anywhere from 30-60 FPS Depending on the screen but some areas just tan the FPS.