Crysis 3

Crysis 3 (DirectX 11)


Master the power of the Nanosuit. Armor, Speed, Strength and the ability to cloak are the ingredients of the most effective tactical combat armor ever created. Suit up! It's all yours in Crysis 3.

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 Review - GK104 Speed Bump - Graphics Cards 49

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 Review - GK104 Speed Bump - Graphics Cards 50




With Crysis 3 the GTX 770 is able to improve performance a bit over the GTX 680 but I once again found that results from the HD 7970 interesting.  At 1920×1080 the GTX 770 is faster but the AMD card is able to match performance at 2560×1440 and far exceed it at 5760×1080.  Obviously the larger 3GB frame buffer has something to do with that. 

Oh, and the GTX 780 is definitely walking all over the other three cards here.


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