Welcome to the super secret page for those of you watching our LogitechG live stream! Use the form below to answer the questions (answers handed out during the live stream!) to be entered to win the awesome hardware that Logitech provided!
Good luck!
I need logitech my razer
I need logitech my razer sucks
Having trouble here PCPer
Having trouble here PCPer guys… I’ve answered all of the questions numerous times, liked the FB page and followed on twitter, but still only show as having 2 entries. I think this contest software doesn’t wanna play nice with my screen reader software… 🙁
Crap. I answered one of the
Crap. I answered one of the questions wrong. Is there any way to correct it?
I hope I win the giveaway 🙂
I hope I win the giveaway 🙂 good luck everyone
Thanks for the giveaway,
Thanks for the giveaway, Logitech.
Personally I’ve never been a big fan of Logitech products. Gamer headsets almost always take a big hit in sound quality. Gamer keyboards tend to be of an odd form factor with keys I don’t want. And then there’s the aesthetics. So generally, Logitech products don’t really cater to my tastes, but if the mice is perfect I could be persuaded to change. Not going to drift from HD800s or Kmac 2, though.
G303 is sexy.
G303 is sexy.
All done!
All done!
How do we get to know who
How do we get to know who won? Is it by email or is it listed on this page at some point?
I thought Ryan said that the
I thought Ryan said that the winners would be listed here at some point.
This contest software is
This contest software is kinda wonky, so it may take a while to be listed… :p
When will the winners be
When will the winners be listed? I want to know I haven’t won anything now!
Yeah…. I want to know that
Yeah…. I want to know that too 🙂 !!!
I won the G402!!! So excited
I won the G402!!! So excited 😀 Thanks guys and the show was awesome, learned a lot I didn’t know about what goes into making these awesome devices.