There is a roundup over at Legit Reviews, with seven 550-600W PSUs of which only two models will cost you more than $100.  They are a mix of 80 PLUS Bronze and Gold, some are partially modular others non-modular and of course, they offer differing power quality and acoustic performance.  In this case the most expensive PSU also came out as the winner, but pay attention to the PSU in second place which costs half as much as the Dark Power Pro 10.

"It is natural for an enthusiast to be dazzled by monsters such as the Corsair AX1200i and the Cooler Master Silent Pro M2 1500W; however, even the majority of the enthusiasts would not actually purchase such a beast. It is (or should be) common knowledge that even a very good gaming system does not demand more than 300W-350W and thus, as power supplies are being designed to optimally perform at about 50% capacity, 550W-600W units are plenty for the vast majority of gamers and common users. It is only with multiple video cards, large raid arrays and other “specialized” designs that power requirements may increase substantially. Knowing that and realizing the need to offer our readers insight on products which truly are of interest to them, today we bring you a roundup review of seven quality 550W-600W power supplies…"

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