The pre-expo press conferences are still three days out but only suckers want to get swamped in the press coverage, right? It is like people who leave work two days early to beat the traffic caused by people leaving a day early from a long weekend to beat traffic. This is all like that, if it were directed by Michael Bay.
And speaking of live action E3 movies, Eidos released a trailer for their upcoming Thief reboot. I really cannot tell which sections are in-engine, which are pre-rendered, and which are live action. As for the game? Well, all I know is that you are going to be stealing stuff.
Thief will be coming to the PC, PS4, and Xbox One sometime in 2014.
Let us play a little game here: what do you think is in-engine; what do you think is pre-rendered; and what do you think is live action? Let us know in the comments.
At the risk of looking stupid
At the risk of looking stupid I’m going to say all live action except the wall scaling/hallway scene and closing shot of the house.
I will have to agree, too.
I will have to agree, too. Too hard to tell. But I doubt it is all real-time.
I hope the game stays true to it’s roots.
No with AMD APU’s it’s like
No with AMD APU’s it’s like real life! Remember PS3 MotorStorm Pacific Rift – it was also ingame graphics!