If rumors hold true, consumers may be greeted with a new AMD Radeon graphics card today, in the form of a Graphics Core Next (GCN) based HD 7730. According to the leak by Videocardz, MSI will be launching a new card based on this budget GPU called the R7730-1GD5V1. It will use a shrouded fan and heatsink cooler with the company's propeller blade fan technology. Afterburner support and solid capacitors are also features of the MSI card that is rumored to use this new GPU chip. Video ouptuts include one DVI, one HDMI, and one DisplayPort connector.
The HD 7730 GPU itself is based on the same basic Cape Verde chip as the existing HD 7750 and HD 7770 GPUs. However, the HD 7730 has fewer stream processors. Specifically, the 7730 will use 384 stream processors clocked at 800 MHz. It will be paired with 1GB of GDDR5 memory on a 128-bit bus, with the memory clocked at 4.5 GHz. For comparison, the HD 7750 features 512 stream processors clocked at 800 MHz along with 1GB of GDDR5 at 4.5GHz.
This new chip will not be as fast as the similarly-clocked HD 7750, but it will also be cheaper and use less power as it is able to get all of its power from the PCI-E bus (no PCI-E power cable from the PSU required).
The MSI HD 7730 graphics card is rumored to launch sometime today for 70 Euros, or about $90 USD. (At least we will not have long to wait to see if the rumors are true!)
so will this model exclusive
so will this model exclusive to MSI or will be part of AMD official product?
It is rumored to be an AMD
It is rumored to be an AMD official product, though MSI is the first out of the gate with a card based on it, if the leak is true.
If your budget is this tight
If your budget is this tight you might be better off just going with an APU.
Granted thats from a new build perspective, this would be a good cheap upgrade for an older oem type system.
The chip consisting of 1 gb
The chip consisting of 1 gb ram & 384 stream processors seems to be the same as the gpu section within the 8xx series AMD apu?
This chip would cost next to nothing to produce so buy the apu not the graphics gard.
If I bought this gpu I would not add a crap same as gpu. Would u?