Humble Bundle have already sold a quarter million of this collection, but Electronic Arts (EA) will not see a dime of it. The Humble Origin Bundle allows donors, of at least $1, access to Dead Space, Burnout Paradise (Ultimate Box), Crysis 2 (Maximum Edition), Mirror's Edge, Dead Space 3, and Medal of Honor. A donation exceeding the average, currently $4.55, also grants access to Battlefield 3 and The Sims 3 (Starter Pack).
I say donation, as opposed to sale, because EA has declined to receive any proceeds. Any contribution you make can only be divided between Humble Bundle Inc and five charities: Human Rights Campaign, Watsi, San Francisco AIDS Foundation, American Cancer Society, and the American Red Cross.
Lastly, while all of these game will be available on Origin, certain titles will also receive Steam keys. As far as I can tell, this means any title available on Steam will receive a key for that platform.
I only have two comments: good on EA and play Mirror's Edge.
I think the key benefit EA
I think the key benefit EA gets is new sucbscribers to its Origin platform. Sadly, I already have all of the games in this bundle that I am interested in (on Steam) so I have no need to buy it, especially since Steam doesn’t let you trade/giveaway Humble game bundles.
It’s a win-win all around.
It’s a win-win all around. We, the gamers, get great games at a great price, EA gets people on Origin, and the charities make an @$5-ton of money (sales were pushing 4.5 mil last I checked)
i like the sims 3
i like the sims 3