NZXT launched the Phantom 630 case earlier this year for $180 in black, white, or gunmetal gray. Reportedly responding to enthusiast demand, NZXT announced a new version of the Phantom 630 with a larger acrylic side window.
The NZXT Phantom 630 Windowed Edition is identical to the original Phantom 630 except for a side panel with a large acrylic side window that shows off the entire motherboard. It has curved corners and a diagonal right side.
NZXT states on the product page that “you have been asking for this for a while and we've delivered…” The company further claims that the Phantom 630 Windowed Edition presents “the same revolutionary, award-winning chassis that took bold innovation to the next level with a large side panel window. “
The Phantom 630 case measures 9.7×24.7×23.6" (245mm (W) x 627mm (H) x 600mm (D) ) and is constructed of SECC Steel and ABS plastic. The case supports four 5.25” drives, eight SSDs, and seven 140mm fans (with filtered intakes). You can read more about the case here.
The Phantom 630 Windowed Edition has an MSRP of $179.99. Alternatively, enthusiasts who already have the original Phantom 630 can upgrade to the larger side window by replacing the side panel–which will be available for purchase from NZXT in October for $29.99.