A second coming of the Xeon E5-2600 family uses the Ivy Bridge-EP architecture and will sport up to 12 cores, using 22nm Trigate technology. The three CPUs which will be arriving are each aimed at a separate market segment with different core counts and TDP. The lower power chips will sport either 4 or 6 cores and have a TDP between 40-80W with the same 15MB L3 cache as SB-EP. The second has a 25MB L3 cache, 6, 8 or 10 cores and TDPs ranging from 70-130W and uses the same interconnects as previously existed. The last is the beast with 12 cores, TDPs of 115-130W and three rings linking the cores and cache segments with a split memory controller. Check The Register for more info on the high powered end of IDF.
"Companies with workloads that like to ride on lots of threads and cores are going to be able to get a lot more bang for a two-socket box thanks to the launch of the "Ivy Bridge-EP" Xeon E5-2600 v2 processors by Intel."
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