Batman: Arkham Origins is here and using the familiar Unreal 3 Engine but with some new tricks that haven't been tried. Tessellation, Ambient Occlusion HBAO+, Percentage Closer Soft Shadows (PCSS), and Depth of Field (DoF) will be available for users of DX11 cards with NVIDIA owners also able to use TXAA and PhysX. That could have some impact on your systems performance and so TechSpot grabbed a couple of dozen videocards and tested them for performance. They break down performance by resolution and slowly add features such as AA to the benchmarks so that you can get a good idea what to set your machine to when in the graphics options menu but the good news is that just about everyone should be able to get decent performance from this game if they keep to recommended settings.
"Despite being built with Epic's aging Unreal Engine 3, WB Montreal used a heavily modified version of the software. The PC version has received some special attention in the graphics department including many DirectX 11 and PhysX effects."
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you can only stretch an old
you can only stretch an old outdated engine so freaking far
Tell that to Pixar.
Tell that to Pixar.
I’d wish Bethesda had of used
I’d wish Bethesda had of used this engine for Fallout 3 and New Vegas. It might be old but looks a lot better than that old clunker.
pixar is in a completely
pixar is in a completely different visual field than this game using the unreal 3 engine with some extra crap bolted on. it is not revolutionary in terms of gfx …
Geforce Experience set my
Geforce Experience set my setting up and everything runs smooth on a 760
However i was pretty sad
However i was pretty sad there wasn’t benchmarking under video options…
I can’t wait for ue4, I
I can’t wait for ue4, I remember ue3 since ut3 back in 2007!