Last month it was AMD hosting the media out in sunny Hawaii for a #GPU14 press event. This week NVIDIA is hosting a group of media in Montreal for a two-day event built around "The Way It's Meant to be Played".
NVIDIA promises some very impressive software and technology demonstrations on hand and you can take it all in with our live blog and (hopefully) live stream on our PC Perspective Live! page!
It starts at 10am ET / 7am PT so join us bright and early!! And don't forget to stop by tomorrow for an even more exciting Day 2!!
i figured this would be
i figured this would be brought back… at least amd does not have a spam in the games it supports
Come on Nvidia, Price drop!!!
Come on Nvidia, Price drop!!!
mAxius, please kill yourself
mAxius, please kill yourself emoAMDboy.
Good reply.
Good reply.
Looks like Battlefield 4
Looks like Battlefield 4 means AMD…
Lots of stupid NVidia boys on
Lots of stupid NVidia boys on this planet!
I actually met one in the best buy store.
Bunch of them are at anandtech, TR, OCN. There brain is controlled by the NVidia marketing team & NVidia Focus Group members.
Nvidia boys are similar to sports fans of football, baseball.
Nvidia boys get a life! No big deal, a video card is just a piece of metal, silicon and plastic.
I just want May 2014 to hurry
I just want May 2014 to hurry up and arrive. I’m ready to build a new rig, today, but there’s nothing to upgrade to that really trumps two 4gb 670s. I’m depending on the 800 line with the new tech to be something worth upgrading to . . . gotta scratch this itch.
Actually, I’d really like ATI to win me back, but they burned me with horrid delayed driver updates back in 2000 or so and when I gave them a second chance in 2010, I found the experience a bit lacking and moved back to NVIDIA. So . . . I guess do something to blow my mind before May, ATI!
They are not called ATI
They are not called ATI anymore that was eons ago
I own a 690, so i’m eager to
I own a 690, so i’m eager to see what Maxwell brings next year; Before anyone jumps on me about being a fan boy of a certain company, I owned a Radeon HD5970 before the 690.. just the look of the PCB/Heat sink not to mention the performance leap over the 5970 attracted me to Nvidia. If I could see the same kind of performance leaps next year from AMD, I’d go back.
Same here. I’m a huge fan of
Same here. I’m a huge fan of NVIDIA, because I’ve had a more consistent and enjoyable experience from them for most of the last 14 years, compared to the experiences I’ve had with ATI.
However, if I woke up tomorrow and ATI had the biggest beast on the market with solid driver support that didn’t suffer in any games from “we’re focusing on making this work on NVIDIA-itis”, I would gladly jump to it.
Unfortunately, people all too often take “I’m a fan of quality and customer service” for “I’m just a fanboy of this particular product/company because of the company”.
Hell, there was almost a decade where I only bought AMD and rather disliked Intel, but then Intel started eating their lunch and the last three or four rigs of mine have all been Intel.
It is pretty rare that someone would actually actively throw money away knowing that their choice is inferior just because “they’re muh dogs, yall!”. 😛
Watch Dogs being delayed
Watch Dogs being delayed cause Nvidia wants to work with them more…interesting.
Nvidia “The Way It’s Meant To
Nvidia “The Way It’s Meant To Be Played” turned into a debugging session of monitors not yet available correcting Nvidia G-Sync stutting and anouncement of rebranding of existing product.
ATI…Amateurs Trying
ATI…Amateurs Trying Intently
AMD…Amateur Micro Devices
AMD…Amateur Micro Devices