If you have used third party software to bring extra functionality to Skype like call recording or integrating the ability to integrate in a non-standard way then you better enjoy it now as you only have until December before you are cut off. At that time Microsoft will be blocking access of all third party apps to Skype which will break not only your own applications but will reduce Skype's compatibility with some headsets. You can follow the link to the Change.org petition that is in The Inquirer's coverage of this decision.
"ANGRY DEVELOPERS, a breed not unlike Angry Birds but without the desire to fling themselves at naughty pigs, have started a petition asking Microsoft to withdraw its plan to switch off the desktop API for Skype."
Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- LinkedIn’s New Mobile App Called ‘A Dream for Attackers’ (and doesn't integrate with MSExchange) @ [H]ard|OCP
- Microsoft: Ha ha ha, Wall Street friends – THIS time the victory is OURS @ The Register
- NVIDIA 'The Way It's Meant to Be Played' 2013 Press Event @ OCC
- UK Police Seize 3D-Printed 'Gun Parts,' Which Are Actually Spare Printer Parts @ Slashdot
The Gates are closing, the
The Gates are closing, the walls are going up, and concertina wire is being strung! Maybe Steam will develop a video chat client, to go along with their steam OS! Anyways, time to escape from behind the M$ Iron cutain, before all chance of escape comes to a close! Apple’s closed ecosystem exists north of the DMZ, and now M$ is closing off all the free world’s escape routes, in their “Perfect Society” of TIFKAM “Utopia”! Can You hear it, off in the distance, the rhythmic sounds of jackboots, the groaning of imperial walkers! Time to escape those, closed M$/Apple imperiums, and join up with the free distro resistance!
I am not sure how restricted
I am not sure how restricted this will become, nor if all those attempts to restrict access to 3rd party software will make Skype a bloatware.
However it does raise worries. What about those Smart TVs? They use some sort of 3rd Party to make use of them. What about XSplit? What about other Live Broadcasting software? What about Mobile phones?
There will always be a way around these, however they are not always user-friendly nor cost effective (affordable) to general public.
Due to lack of information this article provides, it is difficult to judge if supporting the petition is in good faith.
It appears the decision to remove the Desktop API is due to simply the code is too old for future advancement. Another possibility is M$ is fighting hard against malicious actions such as robot calls, fax Scams, etc. M$ may be re-writing Skype for their own purposes (use your imagination).
Who knows… However, it would great to have more information. Perhaps bring in a M$ rep for this?
“It appears the decision to
“It appears the decision to remove the Desktop API is due to simply the code is too old for future advancement.”
No, any updated true API should not break legacy code, and any API advancments, can be added with out breaking previous applications! This is purely a M$ attempt at shutting out the competition for the M$ fresh Kill(Nokia), and an Apple like control of the vertical stack (Hardware/Software), and a cut of the app/hardware $$$$ action! When have you ever heard of a M$ rep, answering any questions, other than the marketing Double Plus Good Quack Speak, that Monkey Boy is so great at!
Speaking of Skype. if u r
Speaking of Skype. if u r using windows 8.1 , Microsoft have removed the ability to sign in with ur Skype ID. in order to use Skype u need a “Microsoft account”… WFT MS…. just WTF..
And now M$ creates SkypeNet,
And now M$ creates SkypeNet, along with M$ 4Eyes glasses! Shortly thereafter M$ will convert its 4Eyes into a monocular implant, connected directly into the user’s brain, by none other than M$ Nano-Bots. M$ will then introduce a cloud service called M$COLLECTIVE, where M$ will measure all the users bodily functions, thoughts, and fluids, and sell this user metrics to any and all intrested parties, for a M$ price that is! The M$ final goal will be to download windows 8.666 directly into its users brains, a M$ vision of the future, everyone living and sleeping upright, motionless wired into a panel, and fed through a tube, a liquid of simi-nutritious broth and Ballmer sweat!
Already began last year 😉
Already began last year 😉