[H]ard|OCP found something that Win8.1 can do better than Win7, especially now that the mouse issue is not nearly as pervasive.  As it turns out the current non-Mantle version of Battlefield 4 performs between 3-6% faster when run on a Win8 machine.  While that finding does not imply a huge performance difference they also reported that the video was much smoother when run under Win8 with none of the choppiness that was present under Win7.  Think of the frame pacing examples Ryan has provided as a good demonstration of what they are referring to, though the cause may not be the same.  It will be interesting to see how the Mantle version will perform under both operating systems.

"Is in-game real world Battlefield 4 gaming performance better on the Windows 8.1 operating system or on Windows 7? We look at video card performance between Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 in this game and find out if upgrading to Windows 8.1 is worth it or not for the much rumored performance advantage."

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